Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy describes how we collect your personal data and for what purposes we process them on the website (hereinafter, the Website) and the measures we take to protect them.

Who is responsible for processing your data?

The party responsible for processing the personal data provided on this Website and the Owner of the Website is Alter S.L. You can see the Owner's details in the Legal Notice.

The Owner agrees to protect the personal data of all the persons it deals with, in compliance with the data protection legal requirements and with maximum confidentiality and security guarantees.

For what purpose do we process your personal data and for how long?

This Website does not collect personal data directly through any form, but offers the User different ways to contact the company by telephone, e-mail and post.

The need to contact the company using these means provided for the User on the Website may be due to any of the following reasons:

Contact to make enquiries about our companies' products and/or services

If the User contacts us by telephone or e-mail to make an enquiry, we shall process his/her data in order to deal with the enquiry. The legal basis that justifies the processing is the company's legitimate interest to deal with the enquiries made by Users concerning the marketing of our products and services. The data provided by the interested party shall be kept strictly during the enquiry processing term, and then subsequently deleted.

Contact to report suspected adverse drug reactions

To report suspected adverse reactions to our pharmaceutical products, Users and healthcare professionals are offered various forms of contact: e-mail, special telephone number, or our postal address.

The data that we are provided for the notification of possible adverse reactions shall be processed to manage and monitor the adverse effects. The legal basis that justifies this processing are the health regulations that require laboratories to keep a record of adverse drug reactions. We shall keep these data for the legally required term (which is currently ten years after the product has ceased to have marketing authorization). In any case, your data shall be destroyed once they are no longer required for the legal purposes for which they were collected.

Contact to apply for vacancies to jobs in Alter Group companies

If a User enters the "Jobs" section and decides to register for offers from companies belonging to the Alter Group, he/she shall be redirected to another domain and must register with the corresponding platforms, upon acceptance of their privacy policies.

Who do we share your data with?

The personal data you provide shall not be disclosed to third parties except in legally mandatory cases. In the event of data processing for the management of possible adverse reactions, it may be required by law to disclose these data to the Health Authorities. In any case, the data Subject is guaranteed that the data is always held for the purpose for which they were collected and the appropriate security guarantees are applied.

What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

In general, we inform the personal data Subject that he/she can exercise the following rights in the terms set forth in current data protection legislation: the right to request access to your personal data; the right to request their rectification or deletion; the right to request the limitation of their processing; the right to object to their processing, and the right to the portability of the data, as well as the right to withdraw your consent, in the event of their processing being consent-based. These rights can be exercised by writing to: Alter S.L., (Asesoría Jurídica) c/ Mateo Inurria, 30, 28036 Madrid, or by sending an e-mail to If you consider that we have not satisfactorily resolved the exercise of your rights, you may file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos).

Why do we use cookies?

This Website uses cookies. Please read our Cookies Policy for more information about which cookies are used and for which purpose.


This Website may contain links to third-party websites. In such cases, and unless they are Alter Group websites, we shall not be responsible for those third-party privacy policies concerning the personal data collected by them. We recommend you read the privacy policies of those websites.

This Privacy Policy is effective from 25 May 2018. The Website Owner reserves the right to change its Privacy Policy in the event of there being any change in current legislation, case-law or due to its own business criteria. If any changes are made to this Privacy Policy, the new text shall be posted on the same site.